5 Steps To Dealing With Change


If there is one thing in life that is guaranteed besides taxes and death, it is change. Nature is a great way to see how rhythmic and also, how quickly everything can turn on a dime. We are seeing that now in various parts of the world (Hawaii being one that comes to mind). Sometimes, things change in a harsh and unexpected way that shifts your whole life in a moment, other times we have a choice to make changes that are thought out and will transform you down a better path.

Both have happened for me recently. I have taken the steps listed below to make a huge change in my life by choice (more on that at the end of this blog) and was also tossed the ball of change that I never wanted to see come.

Losing someone close to you makes you reevaluate your life and what is truly important. How do you want to spend your days? For you may not even have a full one left -no one ever knows. How many of us are waiting until, “XYZ time” to do what we really want to do, be where we really want to be, and spend time or even tell those we love how extraordinary they are?

I have heard all the reasons why there needs to be a time delay but, is that time delay – the holding off for the future- only in the physical realm or, are you delaying the work that needs to be done internally to get you there physically? That takes introspection, and a willingness to be very honest with your desires and what your strengths are, as well as, those areas of your life you want to improve or need to let go of.

Are you able to find inner peace through the turmoil that life can toss your way sometimes? Can you find baby steps to bring you to your dreams and still maintain passion through the process? These are not always easy times if you choose to really shake up your life. However, complacency is a life that runs on existence, not passion, adventure and fulfillment. Which do you want?

So what steps can you make to begin the type of change you dohave a choice in?

  1. Journal. Begin by making lists. What in your life is working and great? By discovering these areas, you allow yourself to find gratitude and realize everything is not as bad as it seems. Then, list out what you would like to change. What would you like to see happen; in a perfect world, how would that look?
  2. Do research to see who has accomplished something similar to what you desire and see how they did it. Find ways you can emulate their steps- no need to always reinvent the wheel.
  3. Meditate. Even if you are unsure of how it really works, just sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Allow thoughts to come in and tag them as thoughts, allowing them to float by like a cloud, then go back to focusing on the breath. How does this help? Without getting into all the amazing ways mediation helps you on all levels of being, it will at least relax you enough to be calmer and then be better able to look objectively at your lists in your journal.
  4. Work with a coach, meditation instructor and/or spiritual teacher that can assist you in making or navigating through changes as a neutral sounding board and giving you a different perspective (make sure they have a similar thought process as yours).
  5. Be patient with yourself and have compassion. Judging and criticizing only slows down the process you are working to build. Taking things bit by bit, (as in the old adage of, “eating the elephant”) helps to reduce overwhelm and allow for better clarity, giving you more of the energy it takes to make those steps.

So, with all that said (and there is so much more that could be!) I used those steps and more to decide to go ahead with a full legal name change. Without going through the many reasons, let me just say that I believe words have power and that was one element in my choice. Although Marie Boyum will always be a part of me, I am now excited to announce my new name as, Grace Marie Redwood.

Those that follow me, utilize my services and come to my classes, I hope will help spread the word of my new name so others can find me. My website remains: www.wellnessteaching4U.comas does my business page of the same name on Facebook. I will be transitioning my other social media sites such as LinkedIn and others as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and I plan to become more interactive through my blog and other means as the year progresses. Hopefully, you will stick around and watch the changes.


Grace Marie Redwood       www.wellnessteaching4U.com

© 5-16-18